Friday, December 7, 2012


I think video games do make us act volient in younger childern really. I think if we don't really have much knowledge on how to act in society, we will act out and act out the things we see in video games. Its mainly generally in younger childern, I think we have enough knowledge to not do those volient things in public. I think society should know we are smart enough to not re-produce those acts of volience that are in video games. I don't think video games should be banned because we are able to do what we want and play what we want and the government shouldn't control what we do and play.


  1. I agree with you completely, government should not be able to banned any video game or things along those lines. People do majority of the time know fully what they are doing and know if it is wrong or right. Only when people do not want to get into trouble do they thrust the blame onto something else.

  2. I agree, the government has no say.
    It's the parents and the players themselves who choose what they play and what they spend money on. People shouldn't be stupid enough to act out what happens in a fictional game. No matter how real it is. We do have people who do act it out, but not everyone can be logical, I suppose. Children exposed to such violence need to be taught that the game IS NOT REAL, and that it is not good to redo what the game does.
    There's a right, and there's a wrong.
