Thursday, September 6, 2012

Switch off and slow down

In today's world, new phones, laptops, and tablets are coming out practically everyday, as I see, this is not very necessary, in fact, the new updates are just practically a brighter screen, or a smaller keyboard, or just a small screen. These updates are not necessary. The people who work at the companies know that people will buy a new cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc just because of a bigger screen, or it being brighter, all they really care about is the money. Computers are useful to some extent, like schooling, but, other people use them to play video games, or goofing around. I think there should be a national day were all electronics are turned off, to give us some time away from them, and really enjoy the real world. Choices are good to have, but, we don't need to have new computers, laptops, cell phones or tablets coming out everyday.

            We just need to have phones that are able to text and call, we don't need to have internet on them, or social media, we can wait to get home to respond to someone on facebook, or we can just call them and talk to them on the phone. The world needs to stop making multiple, useless updates of phones, laptops, computers and tablets everyday, and we need to take a break from them in general.


  1. Samantha I agree with what your saying 100%. If the world made things simple their wouldn't be much conflict about who's got the new hot thing or something you have to have now. On the other side of things, I can see why people say they want new things. The fact is why do they need it so fast? i think if people were more patient and enjoyed somethings in life more then 2 seconds that the advancements in technology would be more efficient and more effective.

  2. I agree with you half way with what you are saying. I agree that the only reason that companies are making new things with slight changes is for the money. For example Nintendo with the original DS than the DS Lite. Then with the DSi to the DSi XL. However I do not agree with you that having internet is not important. I thought it would be dumb to go on the internt on my phone until I started to do it more and more. It isn't nessacery it is a convenience type thing.

  3. I love your perspective on this. The updates every 2 weeks for phones, laptops and other technology is getting really ridiculous. I think it's really unnecessary and only crippling to sales. Slowing down is definitely the right choice in my opinion.

  4. I love the idea of national turn of your electronics day! Great blog. Your ideas are unique and refreshing!

  5. Amazing, I agree so much! Technology does not need to advance in the entertainment section. We need things in the medical field an such. Computers are very helpful, but can be abused a lot, so I don't see no use for them to be updated constantly! Windows 8 is even coming out soon! Phones are so overused and abused. Phones are used for talking, and that's all, but suddenly you have all these apps and it's just obnoxious in my opinion.
