Friday, September 21, 2012

GPS tracking

These days, teenagers tend to lie to their parents a lot about were they are going or who exactly they are hanging out with, but now, there's an app for that! There are a few new app's out there that allow parents to track their childern with GPS to see were they really are going and who exactly they are hanging out with. I think this is going a little to far then it is a good idea.

Kids these days usually go hang out with the wrong type of people, and do drugs or things they really shouldn't be doing. I think these kinds of apps show to kids that their parents do not really trust them, and can usually cause them to do things that they really shouldn't do, to get back at their parents. Kids also can just turn off their phone so their parents cannot track were they are exactly, but. I really think this is a invasion of the child's privacy and showing them that their parents do not really trust them.

But on the other hand, I do think this is a good idea. With this GPS app, parents can find out what their child is doing, and keep them out of trouble and other bad things like drugs. Parents shouldn't always watch their kids and what they do, I mainly think this shows the child that they are not very trusted by their parents, or that their parents are always over protective. Electronics are evolving to fast in this world, and they really do need to slow down. I think that they should not have these apps only for security reasons, and that electronics need to slow down on how fast they come out.


  1. I personally agree with you. There are so many apps for spying and watching family or friends that it has truly become a complete invasion of ones privacy. Kids these days like to have their own personal things cell phones the main thing and when a parent starts to either go through it or track them through the phone it will give the child a reason to rebel against the parents. Ask any kid today that has a cell phone and uses it on a daily basis how they would feel if someone went through their phone or tracked them. They would not trust that person what so ever. On the other hand even ho it is invading a child’s privet life some parents don’t want their kid going around with the wrong people not that the parents don’t trust their kids just that they want to make sure their child is safe and where they say they are.

  2. Agreed.

    Many children now a days just want to hang out with the bad crowd just to feel like the cool one. Although, you also have a good point. If the child is trustworthy, do not over protect them and watch their every move. Although, do check them if they are a rowdy and misbehaving child. Of course you will be invading their privacy, but most teens place themselves in that predicament in the first place.

    Also, it is fact. Technology is growing much. Too. Quickly. People need to sit down and really think. Think and ask themselves; What does the World NEED? Not, What does the World WANT.
