Monday, October 1, 2012


Pogrom was a word that had originated from Russia, describing it as "an organized massacre, especially for jews" while elsewhere, it defines it as "The holocaust" as "the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War ll". I think people deny or question that the holocaust because it haunts them and they do not want to deal with the fact that the holocaust has actually happened. People who deny or question the holocaust might of also had family that were in the holocaust and don't want to be haunted by their deaths, and just push it away from them. If I had family in the holocaust, I would not want to be taunted by the past, and would push it away too. Vladek lived in a part of Poland that was taken over later then the rest of Poland, but it got really tight for them. How well they describe the events during the time he lived is very well. When Vladek went around to get food or such things, he always saw Germans taking away Jewish people, for no reason at all. Also, his grandparents were taken away and gassed  since they were old and not "useful" for the Germans. How those words such as "victim" are controversial today are that, there are many victims and survivors of many things, but the holocaust was a big event to be a "victim" or "survivor" of, and if used wrong, could offend them. We can't sit here and deny the holocaust has happened, it is in the past now, and there is only one thing we can do about it, not repeat the same things Hitler had done.

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