Thursday, October 11, 2012


Bullying has a big impact on the world, especially in schools across the USA. These days, about 1 and 20 kids are bullied per school, which is a lot compared to how many children are in a school district. As stated in this article, bullies do not have low self esteem  rather, they do it to show they have power or to get there way in things. Male and Females both bully, but in different ways. Females usually bully other girls on there looks, and how they act, while males bully because the other male is weak or something. Bullying does effect a child a lot, and can effect there future too. When a child is bullied, they tend to have low self esteem, and think negatively about them self's, and when a bully continues to do so, it can lead to suicide of the victim.

I think on what we can do to stop bullying is to tell an adult or teacher if we see it happen. Usually, when someone else sees bullying, they won't say anything about it, because they are scared the bully will get them, or they might even join in! I think there should also be charges or fines a child can get for bullying, since there are for cyber bullying, why not for REAL bullying? Personally, I think real bullying rather than cyber bullying is worse, why? Well, because its the internet, unless you know the person in real life, they won't get you in any other way, just press that block button and you're good to go, or delete or facebook, twitter or what ever you're using.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly, the first thing we should do is stop being quite about this, is always important to let everybody know the situation so teachers can do something about it, not saying anything about it is just being as guilty as the bully.
    Being bullied in real life is terrible and it develops a negative response to critics and other negative opinions in the future.
