Friday, December 14, 2012


I usually use Google to find out how to fix somethings, like I goggled how to fix my R button on my DSI, it was quiet helpful! People usually have weird ways of fixing things. I also Googled some walk through guides for video games such as Persona 4 and Pokemon White and Black 2, mainly for the side quests.  Some top things searched on Google in the USA is the My little pony Derpy hooves toy, the iPAD 3, and #SOPA. Some top things searched in New Zealand are the Olympics, what is SOPA, and Pancakes as top recipes. Doesn't really surprise me, they are some common things we search! Google is a really neat thing to have, we can relay on it for anything, and we can find out anything we want about the world!

Friday, December 7, 2012


I think video games do make us act volient in younger childern really. I think if we don't really have much knowledge on how to act in society, we will act out and act out the things we see in video games. Its mainly generally in younger childern, I think we have enough knowledge to not do those volient things in public. I think society should know we are smart enough to not re-produce those acts of volience that are in video games. I don't think video games should be banned because we are able to do what we want and play what we want and the government shouldn't control what we do and play.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Video game art

Video games are most diffidently an art. All video games have there own art styles and designs, such as the Megami Tensei series  Persona, or the game Okami. . All video games begin with sketches, which is ART, they are made into digital ART, than animated, for the game. The government shouldn't state that video game is an art or not, its up to the people, but I believe so video games are an art. Video games have a lot of emotion, if not more than anything else! You are actually involved in the game, so you feel more into it mentally and emotionally. I also say the government should not have a say in what kids should and should not see, if they want to see it and are ready too, let them do it, don't let no one stop them, its their choice, not theirs. Video games are a form of art, and will always be, they will always pull you in if they have a strong plot and amazing art style!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Personally, I think Pikachu and the whole genre of Pokemon are the best video game characters. But, I do believe Mario is the top video game character out of them all. Pokemon is my childhood, and it is one of Nintendos biggest hits. Pokemon are very unqiue and creative on how they were created. The most well known Pokemon is Pikachu. Pikachu is the loveable electric mouse Pokemon loved by all. If you asked anyone who isn't interseted in Pokemon who their favorite Pokemon is, they would say Pikachu! All Pokemon are unqiue in their own way. Pokemon currently has 649 of them and will continue to grow as long as childern are around. You are never to old for video games, especially Pokemon!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Game on!

Game on! was a documentary on the history of video gaming, and was to say very interesting. I do agree that our society is based a lot on gaming, but more so, the general idea of technology. I personally love to play video games, I especially love the Nintendo and Sony lines, not more so of the Xbox line. I do think everything needs to be interactive in some way to keep our attention, or, we'll just lose interest in it, it is just how we are with thing, if it is not interesting, we move onto the next thing. What I think interactive means to me, is that getting yourself involved with the thing that we are doing, whether that's placing an image of yourself in a game, or naming your character as yourself, or even designing the game, like scribble nuts! I don't really think we lose anything in society with being interactive with everything, I think we gain more, by experiencing more things! Not much things surprised me in this documentary, as I knew a lot of this before hand, but it was quite interesting to watch it. For the least part, video games have become a big part of our lives, and will continue to do so, they'll always stick around and have new video games come out or a new system, its just how our world works!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels have been around since the Egyptons have been around. I personally think graphic novels than text. Graphic novels actually show the story through images. We can see what is happening in the story, rather than it being described through text. We are also actually able to see what the author wanted us to see, rather, then us using our imaginations. But, I think a disadvantage of this is that we cannot really use our imagination, but just see what the author wants us to see, but we can imagine what the transition is. But either way, I would rather read a graphic novel rather than a text book.

I think learning a little about graphic novels before reading one was somewhat helpful. I've read a lot of graphic novels, mainly mangas before hand, so I do have a fair share of experience with them. It was also quite interesting learning a little more about graphics novels than I knew.


Bullying has a big impact on the world, especially in schools across the USA. These days, about 1 and 20 kids are bullied per school, which is a lot compared to how many children are in a school district. As stated in this article, bullies do not have low self esteem  rather, they do it to show they have power or to get there way in things. Male and Females both bully, but in different ways. Females usually bully other girls on there looks, and how they act, while males bully because the other male is weak or something. Bullying does effect a child a lot, and can effect there future too. When a child is bullied, they tend to have low self esteem, and think negatively about them self's, and when a bully continues to do so, it can lead to suicide of the victim.

I think on what we can do to stop bullying is to tell an adult or teacher if we see it happen. Usually, when someone else sees bullying, they won't say anything about it, because they are scared the bully will get them, or they might even join in! I think there should also be charges or fines a child can get for bullying, since there are for cyber bullying, why not for REAL bullying? Personally, I think real bullying rather than cyber bullying is worse, why? Well, because its the internet, unless you know the person in real life, they won't get you in any other way, just press that block button and you're good to go, or delete or facebook, twitter or what ever you're using.